田园交响乐La symphonie pastorale(1946)

又名:田园交响曲 / Pastoral Symphony


主演:皮埃尔·布朗夏 米歇尔·摩根 丽内·诺罗 让·德赛利 安德丽·克莱芒 雅克·卢维尼 罗西娜·吕盖 莫娜·多尔 埃莱娜·达松维尔 热尔梅娜·米歇尔 

导演:让·德拉努瓦 / 编剧:安德烈·纪德 André Gide/Jean Aurenche/让·德拉努瓦 Jean Delannoy



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Jean Delannoy - La symphonie pastorale (1946)


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 田园交响曲.La.symphonie.pastorale.1946.chs.srt
2019-05-12 田园交响曲.La.symphonie.pastorale.1946.chs.srt


Plot Summary:On Christmas Eve, Jean Martens, a Swiss minister, takes in a blind half-crippled orphan and brings her up with his four children. But Gertrude grows to be a woman and Jean gradually falls in love with her without admitting it to himself. On the contrary, he lulls his conscience by interpreting the Scriptures to his advantage. But neither his wife nor his oldest son are fooled. When, after a long-delayed operation, Gertrude recovers her sight she is not long to find out that sin has corrupted the soul of her benefactor. Seeing no hope in the situation, the young woman decides to take her own life.
根据纪德小说改编《田园交响曲》(《田园交响曲》原文为La Symphonie Pastorale。主角是牧师,法语为pasteur,pasteur 的形容词为pastoral(e),因而有的批评家指出纪德使用这个书名,另有一层含义是田指“牧师的心曲”。——译注)中的牧师,起初好心地收养了一名无家可归的盲女。尽管妻子屡次暗示他要提防自己的爱心与爱德,但这种感情最后还是转变成了爱情。牧师培养塑造吉特吕德,慢慢有了自己的企图。可是当吉特吕德一旦治愈眼疾,发现了牧师的虚伪,不但向她隐瞒他们的爱情造成的痛苦,也让她错失了获得幸福的机会。她想的是她看不到的那个人,她看到的却不是她想的那个人;为了内心的平静,她不得不让自己脱离这个世界。
