

主演:阿卢·阿尔军 Bhanu Sri Mehra 阿里亚 苏哈西尼 辛吉坦·斯里涅瓦萨·拉奥 阿希瑟·维德亚迪 丝内哈·乌拉尔 V.K. Naresh 特里蒂曼·查特吉 婆罗门·安达姆 布拉玛吉 

导演:Gunasekhar / 编剧:Gunasekhar





Plot Summary:About to re-locate to the U.S. but refusing to accept a lip-locked kiss from sexy Nisha, Sandeep informs his parents that he would like to get married to a girl of their choice in traditional Hindu style without seeing the girl. His parents, Advocate Vasanthi and Rajgopal, accordingly select a girl for him, who is also willing to get married without seeing her groom, and they arrange a grand 16-day ceremony with the marriage itself lasting 5 days. On the auspicious day, scores of relatives gather together to watch this unique wedding, and this is when the bride and groom see and approve of each other. Then their world will be shattered when the Pandal comes crashing down, Sandeep manages to crawl out, finds Dipti missing, and notices two men taking her away. He follows them but is unable to rescue her and returns home. The family seek the assistance of the police, and after a thorough investigation they inform the family that they cannot do anything - for Dipti's abductors, Diwakar ...
