当他们谈论爱情时他们不会谈论什么Yang Tidak Dibicarakan Ketika Membicarakan Cinta(2013)

又名:谈情不说爱(港) / What They Don’t Talk About When They Talk About Love


主演:尼古拉斯·沙普泰拉 阿育斯塔·戈拉哈 卡瑞娜·萨利姆 Anggun Priambodo 卡瓦·伊斯卡克 贾姜·诺儿 

导演:莫莉·苏亚 / 编剧:莫莉·苏亚 Mouly Surya





Plot Summary:At a high school for the visually impaired in Jakarta, Indonesia, the students are like any other teenagers: they attend classes, pursue artistic endeavors, and fall in love. The most privileged of the bunch, Diana, patiently awaits signs of womanhood and humors her mother's attempts to mold her into the perfect girl. The beautiful Fitri has no shortage of male attention and enters into a passionate affair with, unbeknownst to her, a hearing-impaired punk rocker who is masquerading as a doctor. Meanwhile, Maya, blind since birth, aspires to be an actress and performer. Regardless of physical barriers, the students find ways to communicate and collaborate, enabling them to connect-with each other and to the outside world.
印尼耶加达的三个视障学生,唱唱歌,上上学,心里还想谈谈情说说爱吧。戴安娜开开心心地长大了,一如所愿地发育为成熟的女人。费莉芝面目清秀,却是男人的肉欲玩物,听障男恋上视障女,一开始还是可望而不可即,终于还是用假身份愈走愈近,打得火热。玛雅自出世就失明,与另一位同学出双入对,她的心底有一个表演梦。   《谈情不说爱》是印尼年轻女导演慕妮苏莉亚的第二部作品,已经从容自若,青涩的视障学生也许看不清楚面前的事物,却在成长路上看到自我与他人的沟通桥梁。
