丑小鸭Гадкий утёнок(2010)

又名:丑小鸭X天鹅湖(港) / 翻滚吧!丑小鸭(台) / The Ugly Duckling

上映日期:2010-08-11(洛迦诺电影节) / 2010-09-16(俄罗斯)片长:75分钟

主演:Khor Turetskogo Svetlana Stepchenko 阿尔缅·哲加尔哈尼扬 康斯坦丁·拉伊金 Vladimir Spivakov 朱利亚·鲁特伯格 

导演:加里·巴尔丁 / 编剧:加里·巴尔丁 Garri Bardin/安徒生 Hans Christian Andersen





Plot Summary:Adapted from the Andersen tale and played out in musical comedy mode, The Ugly Duckling is set in a farmyard where roosters, hens, ducks and geese live and lay eggs together. One fine day, a rooster discovers a giant egg behind the farmyard kingdom fence, and discreetly slips it into the clutch laid by his partner... Very soon, a cygnet emerges, but as he in no way resembles any of them he is immediately stigmatized by the whole farmyard, enduring humiliations and suspicion on the part of his feathered companions. But in the end he becomes a magnificent white swan.
小鸭子破壳而出,因为样子长得丑陋,受尽身边动物的嘲笑和欺凌。小鸭子看见湖中的天鹅,羡慕极了,却万万想不到自己有一天也变成美丽的天鹅呢!小鸭子不怕丑,故事也不怕老。安徒生这古老的童话故事碰上柴可夫斯基的经典乐章《天鹅湖》,就是令人眼前一亮!   耳熟能详的童话故事,由造型趣致可爱的泥塑公仔生鬼演出,配上柴可夫斯基优美的交响乐曲。对白简单,年纪小小也懂得欣赏,定会边看边发出会心微笑。
