黄金小子GOLDEN BOY ゴールデンボーイ さすらいのお勉強野郎(1995)

又名:黄金男孩 / 漂泊的流浪小子 / Gōruden Bōi

主演:岩田光央 鹤广美 皆口裕子 白鸟由里 井上喜久子 玉川纱己子 金井美香 上村典子 小杉十郎太 榊原良子 秋元羊介 土井美加 藤原启治 纳谷悟朗 江川达也 

导演:北久保弘之 / 菊地康仁 / 森田宏幸 / 西山明树彦 / 编剧:江川达也 Tatsuya Egawa



日期 资源名称
2022-04-11 golden.boy.1995.全6集.dvd1080p.日语中字
日期 资源名称
2019-07-25 Golden Boy NZ S01E00 Pilot HDTV x264-FiHTV
2019-07-25 Golden Boy NZ S01E00 Pilot REPACK 720p HDTV x264-F
2019-05-12 黄金男孩 golden boy ova1-6 (dvdrip 1024x768 x264.ac3.2
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Golden Boy
2019-05-12 Golden Boy Complete Series Iso



Plot Summary:Golden Boy is the story of Kintaro Oe, a twenty-five-year-old in pursuit of life's lessons. A brilliant student, he dropped out of Tokyo Universiy's law program because he had had mastered the entire curriculum. Now he lives a simple life, traveling on his bicycle and working numerous part-time jobs ranging from software companies to noodle restaurants in order to learn everything that he can about the world. Although he's a kind and giving person, Kintaro's only weakness lies in his lust for beautiful women. However, as long as he can control himself, he may just manage to save the day, and win a few hearts in the process.
