Plot Summary:Pingju. In 1918, the six sons of Gao Guizhang, the upstart of Gaoxianzhang in Qixian County, Hebei Province, became his wife, and he was raped by his Daxie and Wuyi Jinyu. After Yang Erjie found out after hard work and persuasion, Gao Zhanying not only did not listen, but killed Yang Erjie. Yang Sanjie went to Gaojia to visit with her mother and learned that her second sister was dead. The third sister suspected that her second sister was killed, so she sued the county office.
民国初年,滦县某地,地主之子高占英(张彦生 饰)娶普通农家出身的杨二姐(张秀兰 饰)为妻。谁知高风流成性,禽兽不如,竟与嫂子做出苟且之事。在此之后,高嫌二姐碍眼,残忍杀妻。惊悉噩耗,杨家母女连忙赶去奔丧,聪颖刚强的杨三姐(谷文月 饰)发现姐姐尸首存有异样,而高家虚与委蛇草草下葬的举止更令她心生疑惑,怀疑姐姐并非急症而亡。与胆小怕事的母亲(赵丽蓉 饰)不同,三娥自幼果敢正直,她断然向县衙告状。高家则买通官府颠倒黑白。万般无奈之下,杨三姐只得赶赴天津告状,势要还苦命的姐姐一个公道…… 本片由剧作家成兆才根据真实事件改编。