
又名:Kartini: Princess of Java


主演:迪安·萨斯特劳沃德约 Reza Rahadian 阿迪妮·威拉丝缇 

导演:哈农·布拉曼蒂约 / 编剧:Bagus Bramanti/哈农·布拉曼蒂约 Hanung Bramantyo





Plot Summary:This is a story about the most famous Indonesian heroine, Kartini. In the early 1900s, Indonesia was still a colony of the Netherlands, Java is a land where noble families rule under Dutch supervision. Only noble and royal family were able to get education. Women weren't allowed to get higher education, even for women of royal blood. Women in the Javanese culture only had one purpose - to be a bride for a man with royal blood. Kartini grew up to fight this caste system, fight for equality for women, and most importantly she fought for the right for everyone to get an education regardless of their social status or gender. This is an emotional journey of Kartini where she had to defy her own family, her own culture and she had to fight to change in rules and traditions that were considered sacred in Java.
卡尔蒂尼是印尼历史上主张妇女解放的著名人物。19世纪晚期,仍处于荷兰殖民统治的爪哇岛上,只有当地贵族家庭的孩子才能够接受教育,然而就算是贵族家庭的少女到了12岁后也只能待字闺中,等待她们的是家族联姻、相夫教子的宿命。   卡尔蒂尼的父亲是中爪日巴拉(Jepara )地区的摄政王,她的爷爷是19世纪第一位让自己的子女接受西方教育的摄政王。卡尔蒂尼是家中的长女,从小在荷兰政府建立的西方学校接受教育,学习荷兰文。   求知的渴望和男尊女卑的现实不断冲击着卡尔蒂尼,她想尽办法在家中阅读荷兰文书籍,与荷兰的朋友通信,建立识字班,在荷兰文的杂志上发表自己的文章,为妇女权益和解放斗争······
