爱如异形Love Like Aliens(2011)

主演:Steven Cabral Emi Matsushima 

导演:Rashad Haughton / 编剧:Rashad Haughton





Plot Summary:In a future not too far from now, Humanity has advanced to a point where the line between Homo sapiens and Androids have blurred completely. This has occurred so that the species could survive. Technology has allowed humans to travel into deep space to colonize other planets and galaxies deep in the universe because Earth has become uninhabitable. One of the many unfortunate results of this robotic Darwinism is that human behavior and consciousness has also changed over the years. Much of what makes one human -- love, family, intimacy etc., have all become things of the past. Almost legend.
遥远的未来,人类科技高度发达,与之相对关于贪欲的战争也上升到外太空的层面。在一个隔绝的空间里,飞行员安卓被同伴所捕获。昏迷中,他的头上被插满了各种信息传输的线路,同伴试图以此提取安卓脑中的记忆。少顷,他的面颊开启,许多记忆以能量块的形式漂浮出来。这时候安卓也从昏迷中醒来,他呆呆望着眼前的能量块,每当用手指碰触,相关的记忆就会浮现。他想起自己在殖民侵略中背叛了血腥残酷的组织,因此遭到同班的追杀。   在生死存亡的危机时刻,他舍命保护美丽的外星女孩珊蒂娅,女孩成为他心底最无法忘怀的存在……
