爱,都有一段故事Il n'y a pas d'amour sans histoires


主演:Jordan Santoul Clémentine Célarié Xavier Rothmann 

导演:Jérôme Foulon / 





Plot Summary:Monique is a single mother who lives with her son Olivier in a town of North of France.She wanted to have a child and the father went away.Besides Monique is taxi driver.Olivier doesn't feel well with his mother.In the school his neighbor Julien begins to ask him about his father: Olivier answers that first that is father is dead , but later that his father is a spy who has a boat. Then Julien asks about his mother, Olivier answers that she is a top: as Olivier has to go meet his mother in a supermarket, Julien and Olivier see a model: Olivier goes to the model and asks her to give him a kiss.She gives him a kiss on the cheeks and Julien believes that the supermarket model is the mother of Olivier.
奥利弗(Jordan Santoul 饰)的妈妈莫妮卡(克莱门汀·塞拉里耶 Clémentine Célarié 饰)是一名出租车司机,这让奥利弗在学校里感到非常的没有面子,因此想方设法隐瞒妈妈的职业。一天,在超市里,奥利弗将漂亮的推销员维娜芙冒充成自己的妈妈介绍给了好友朱利安,这下子,奥利弗的妈妈是广告明星的消息在校园里迅速的传开了。   家长会即将举办,为了圆谎,奥利弗找到了维娜芙,拜托她假扮自己的妈妈,然而维娜芙拒绝了奥利弗的请求。谁知家长会当日,维娜芙意外的出现在了奥利弗的学校里,不幸的是,在匆忙之间,维娜芙被车撞成重伤。
