
又名:Rock N' Road

主演:夏于乔 吴慷仁 李政颖 夏若妍 古欣玉 杨晴 涂世旻 王琄 林予晞 纪铭松 葛蕾 马念先 东野 张子妍 王中平 唐绮阳 马国贤 罗时丰 刘香君 李玟 张咏娴 严爵 洪敬尧 蔡明修 安思玮 夏克立 王宝第 彭冠化 蒋伟文 金士杰 

导演:林子平 / 编剧:陈惠真 Hui-Chen Chen/赖婉容 Wan-Jung Lai/冯勃棣 Birdy Fong/王雨晴/月汇/詹小米


日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 A咖的路-16.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-14.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-11.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-10.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-09.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-07.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-04.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-03.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-02.rmvb
2019-05-11 A咖的路-01.rmvb



Plot Summary:Lin, who used to be a child star and is now a singer, meets Zhou, a music genius, dramatically changing not only life with his girlfriend Yang, but also his best friend Xu. Band member Wang and his girlfriend Q are relegated to the role of peacemaker between Zhou and Xu, always trying to keep their friendships tight and their aspirations for the band to be on the a-list in tact. This is the story about five young people and their band.
肉腳與A咖   曾經是火紅童星的林維真,因長大而喪失明星光環,人生跌入谷底;而傳奇音樂製作人周書宇正值人生巔峰,經他製作的歌手、專輯無不賣座成名!負分維真與滿分書宇,原本八竿子打不著的遜咖與A咖竟在人生歸零時相遇了!!!   維真帶著一首樂曲闖進書宇的世界裡,導致書宇在如日中天之際遭到女友楊佳欣及左右手徐立達的背叛,失去了一切,而老是闖禍的維真竟是唯一願意跟他走的人,前途艱險,兩人究竟要如何才能重返巔峰?!邁向A咖的路!
