卡瓦纳诉讼 第五季Kavanagh QC(1999)


导演:Tristram Powell / 编剧:Stephen Churchett

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卡瓦纳诉讼 第五季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:An RAF jet plane crashes onto a moto-cross event, killing twenty-two people,including friends of Matt, Kavanagh's son. The mechanic who serviced it kills himself when he discovers his girlfriend,Charlotte, whom he knew as Lisa, used him to access plans of the base and its planes. She has connections to a French radical group and is charged with sabotage and conspiracy to murder. Her arrogant stance and Matt's disapproval do not help as Kavanagh calls witnesses to show that the crash was, in fact, an accident. Jeremy's attempts to become a Euro MP end in disaster as does - almost - a conjuring trick Peter tries at a chambers dinner.
