Doc Elliot(1973)


主演:詹姆斯·弗朗西斯 约翰·米彻姆 伦纳德·斯通 摩根·伍德沃德 乔·唐·巴克 梅雷迪斯·巴克斯特 小诺亚·比瑞 弗娜·布鲁姆 威尔·吉尔 博·霍普金斯 山姆·伯顿斯 泰恩·黛莉 艾克·艾森曼 山姆·艾里奥特 约翰·埃里克森 保罗·菲克斯 约翰·勒普顿 蒂姆·奥康纳 

导演:Robert Totten / James Sheldon / 罗伯特·巴特勒 / 编剧:刘易斯-约翰·卡利诺 Lewis John Carlino/Allen S. Epstein/桑道尔·史顿 Sandor Stern

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Doc Elliot:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The story of Dr. Benjamin Elliot, a New York staff doctor at Bellevue Hospital, who resigns his position and retreats to the backwoods of Southern Colorado. There, as the only physician, he seeks to help people with care and involvement which he was not able to do in New York. His new patients are spread over rugged terrain and his "house calls" were made by plane (piloted by Eldred) or in a four wheel drive truck. Mags was the widow of the area's former doctor and becomes Doc Elliot's assistant, and Barney is the owner of the general store.
