Katanas yakuzas y cintas de video(2004)


主演:北村龙平 Tom Mes 三池崇史 朴赞郁 汤尼·雷恩 清水崇 杜琪峰 

导演:David Guaita / 编剧:Jordi Costa

Katanas yakuzas y cintas de video:在线播放

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Katanas yakuzas y cintas de video:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A documentary that revolves around the new Asian cinema, the wave of films from the eastern territories that began appearing in Spain after the success of films like "The Ring". Includes interviews (archive footage) to Quentin Tarantino, Tom Mes (author of "Agitator. The Cinema of Takashi Miike 'and responsible for the website midnighteye.com), Ryhuei Kitamura, Takashi Miike , Tony Rayns (British critic, the top specialist in new film Eastern) and Takashi Shimizu.
