四月愚人节April’s Fool(2007)



主演:Obba Babatundé Darrin Dewitt Henson Aaliyah Franks 

导演:Nancy Norman / 





Plot Summary:Deanna, 17, a young hottie, seduces Melvin the class nerd, only to set him up for a cruel April Fools' joke. She's joined in her prank by Missy, the goody-two-shoes; her boyfriend Malik, Eva the hip-hop diva; Scoop the jock; and Diego the bad-boy. Feeling bad for Melvin, Missy stops the taunting, but Diego presses the issue until things spiral out of control ... and Melvin is accidentally killed. One year later, on April Fools' Day, each of the teens are targeted and killed in succession. Missy's father, Detective Combs and his partner, Detective Ward, go to work on the case, trying to find out who's behind the killings and stop them before day's end - before they can take Missy's life too.
17岁的狄安娜是个性感宝贝,他诱奸班里的书呆子梅尔文,其实这只是愚人节的玩笑, 一起参加这个恶作剧的还有几个朋友,其中包括坏孩子笛高,狄安娜觉得不好意思,就不再嘲弄梅尔文,可笛高继续奚落他,事情弄得一发不可收拾…梅尔文意外被杀。一年后的愚人节,这些青少年陆续被杀。两名侦探着手调查…
