克里斯托弗大街:系列Christopher Street: The Series



导演:Evan Storey / 编剧:Steven E. Martinez





Plot Summary:Christopher Street is in the heart of the West Village or as many people know it as Greenwich Village. In the village you can have quite an experience you can witness all types of men, women, a few children, young, old, big, or small, and not to mention gay. Yes gay, The Village is a Gay Capitol of the world, in fact in this particular neighborhood you can shop, eat, and explore nothing but gayness. That's why Christopher Street chooses to hang out there, no not the street name, but the person... Christopher Dewayne Street, however his friends call him Chris for short. Christopher Street is originally from Memphis Tennessee, but now he resides in the Big Apple where he is learning new and exciting things everyday. With Chris you can expect anything he is fashion forward and fashionably dysfunctional, he might be a boy today and a full grown woman on tomorrow; you either love him, hate him, or both. Within his friend circle you meet the loyal wife Jharemy, the cry baby Ashton, and the ...
