À notre regrettable époux(1988)


主演:Jacqueline Maillan 阿莉达·瓦利 雅克·迪菲约 让-皮埃尔·奥蒙特 

导演:塞吉·科波尔 / 编剧:Christian Watton

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À notre regrettable époux:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A gangster dies (or is killed?) and he leaves lots of gold Lingots behind .Hermione,his wife ,discovers he married two different women,the second one being Italian Catarina.So, there are two widows and many people are interested in the hidden treasure .Many disreputable people begin to search Hermione's castle .Some go as far as to exhume (and to bury again) the husband's corpse in their haste to seize the loot.Many of them will die along the way.
