牙狼 -死亡线-牙狼<GARO> -VANISHING LINE-(2017)


主演:关智一 钉宫理惠 岛崎信长 小清水亚美 浪川大辅 土师孝也 田中敦子 高桥智秋 

导演:朴性厚 / 林祐一郎 / 清水久敏 / 高桥谦仁 / 下司泰弘 / 浅见松雄 / 山田弘和 / 白石道太 / 井之川慎太郎 / 编剧:吉村清子 Yoshimura Kiyoko/村越繁 Shigeru Murakoshi

牙狼 -死亡线-:在线播放

牙狼 -死亡线-:最新迅雷BT资源

牙狼 -死亡线-:最新字幕下载

日期 资源名称
2022-07-19 GARO_VANISHING_Line_bd_chs.rar
2021-05-21 GARO_VANISHING_Line_bd_chs.rar
2021-04-16 GARO_VANISHING_Line_bd_chs.rar

牙狼 -死亡线-:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In a prosperous city named Russell City, an omen that threatens to shake its world begins to move within it. A man named Sword is the first to hear the first stirrings of the plot, and throws himself into a shadow war in order to expose it. His only clue is the key word \"El Dorado.\" He meets Sophie, a woman searching for her missing older brother who has only left her with the same words: \"El Dorado.\" With Sword having also lost his younger sister in the past, both are drawn together by the words, and work together to find out its meaning.
高度发展的都市,拉塞尔市。   在讴歌繁荣的这座城市中,动摇这个世界的巨大阴谋开始启动——   立刻察知阴谋动向的男人索德,为了揭露阴谋而投身于不为人知的战斗当中。但他得到的线索却只有“El Dorado”这样的关键字而已。在战斗当中,索德遇到了一位名叫索菲亚的少女。索菲亚也在寻求着失踪的哥哥皇后留下的讯息“El Dorado”的含义。索菲亚失去了皇后,而索德也有过失去妹妹的过去。被“El Dorado”这一字句所吸引的两人,从对方身上感受到看不见的羁绊,并开始一同行动。   就这样,各自的心意交错的旅程开始了——
