Befreite Hände(1939)

又名:Befriade händer


主演:布丽吉特·霍尔奈 奥尔加·契诃娃 Ewald Balser Carl Raddatz 保罗·达尔克 爱德华·冯·温特施泰因 Franz Weber Hedwig Wangel Erna Sellmer Otto Brefin Erika Helmke Luise Hohorst Vera Hartegg Albert Lippert Alfred Maack 

导演:汉斯·施瓦卡尔特 / 编剧:Erich Ebermayer

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Befreite Hände:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A German peasant woman is determined to succeed as a sculptor and ,though she has a child out of wedlock, spurns chances to set up a marriage and continues to pursue her art instead, in the stimulating new climate of Italy.
