好孩子的国度Страна хороших деточек(2013)

又名:Strana khoroshikh detochek / Land of Good Kiddies / 好孩子的国家


主演:Kira Fleysher Vyacheslav Manucharov 

导演:Olga Kaptur / 编剧:安娜·斯塔罗比涅茨 Anna Starobinets





Plot Summary:10 year-old Sasha lives with her brother, grandparents, mother and dad. She is very lively, anxious, and sincere. However, she is a bit too active and hence her parents sometimes consider her behavior naughty. On New Year's eve, Sasha's parents make a wish that the naughty girl remains in the passing year, and only the good girl passes on to the New Year. Mystically, the wish comes true: Sasha is transported to the magical Land of Good Kids for "rehabilitation." And a "sterile" Good Girl comes to live with Sasha's parents in her stead. In the land of Good Kids, everything seems way too perfect: children live in sterile white houses, the country smells of cleaning detergent, and omnipresent ears tied to the houses' walls monitor constantly the behavior of all citizens. The country is ruled by an ugly looking Minister who is supposed to introduce Sasha to the Queen. After meeting the Queen Sasha is supposed to forget about her naughty past and start a new happy life. Meanwhile, the Good...
萨沙(达里亚·安德烈耶娃 Darya Andreeva 饰)是一个常常会令她的父母感到头疼的淘气女孩,尽管经常闯祸,但实际上,萨沙非常的善良,她的调皮捣蛋只不过是想要从父母那里多获取一些注意力罢了。   在新年许愿活动中,萨沙的父母许下了一个离谱的愿望,希望能够一个听话的乖孩子来代替萨沙成为他们的女儿,哪知道新年钟声敲响,这个愿望竟然成真了,调皮的萨沙被传送到了魔法王国之中,她要在那里学习怎样成为一名乖孩子。性格刻板严厉的女王统治着整个魔法王国,任何不听她指挥的人都会面临可怕的惩罚,居民们敢怒不敢言。萨沙的到来打破了魔法王国里多年维系的秩序。
