衰仔也有春天Bart Got a Room(2008)

又名:倒霉蛋也有春天 / 巴特开了房


主演:威廉姆·H·梅西 切瑞·海恩斯 斯蒂文·卡普兰 阿莉雅·肖卡特 查德·加米安·威廉姆斯 

导演:Brian Hecker / 编剧:Brian Hecker



日期 资源名称
2020-12-13 [衰仔也有春天].bart.got.a.room.2008.web-dl.1080p.h264.aa
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Bart Got a Room (2008) dvdr - ZARCK
2019-05-12 Bart.Got.A.Room.2009.DvDRip-FxM



Plot Summary:Danny Stein is a high-school senior and class vice president; he's in charge of the prom, along with Camille, his best friend for years. Everyone including Camille and her parents assumes that Danny will ask her to the prom, but he wants something less platonic and more romantic - more memorable. His choices include the sophomore cheerleader he drives to school, a friend of a friend, and a quiet Chinese girl in his classes. With his parents' help (they're going through a divorce), he gets the tickets, rents a tux, reserves a limo, and, over his mother's objections, gets a room at the prom-site hotel. This, everyone believes, is the way to establish memories. Will anything work out?
犹太高中生丹尼(斯蒂文•卡普兰 Steven Kaplan 饰)在游泳池边跟晒太阳的朋友讲述着自己的不幸遭遇。原来,丹尼被点名筹办本届高中毕业舞会,但是身为单身汉的他连个一起出席的女友都没有。在家庭餐桌上,大伙都对丹尼的前景不看好,鼓励他先找个女友增加自信。于是,丹尼向热情奔放的拉拉队女孩伸出了橄榄枝,并且还在约会中拉来了身经百战的父亲(威廉姆•H•梅西 William H. Macy 饰)。不过,显然名不符实的父亲并没有帮到丹尼什么忙,反而令出尽洋相。此后,丹尼开始对肥胖好友展开了攻势,曾经针锋相对的两个人要想坦诚相见也并非易事。混乱中,课堂上一个亚裔女孩对丹尼示好,约他到家中共进午餐,不过巨大的文化差异还是让丹尼没办法获得泡妞的自信。面对重重困难,丹尼能够办成这场舞会吗?
