

主演:姜宏波 郝平 张少华 任帅 奚美娟 王茜华 高斯 肖剑 

导演:刘新 / 编剧:翘楚



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 [战争剧][以母亲的名义][37集全]



Plot Summary:It is in the middle of 1980s. Old grudge is deep-rooted between two neighbors the Ma's and the Liang's. Liang Zi, who went to prison ten years ago as an alleged rapist, is recently released from the prison. Even though Liang Zi went to prison for raping Wang Yan, Wang Yan and her husband Ma Ming always help Liang Zi whenever they can, which is really strange to Ma Ming's mother. Under the interrogation of Ma Ming's mother, Wang Yan tells the truth about Liang Zi: 10 years ago, Wang Yan nearly committed suicide. At that time, she was carrying Ma Ming's baby as an unmarried mom while he was under the investigation. Out of a deep love for Wang Yan, Liang Zi claimed he raped Wang Yan so that both Wang Yan and Ma Ming could be protected. However, Liang Zi's sacrifice does not give Wang Yan a happy life. Faced with her husband's suspicion and her mother-in-law's criticism, Wang Yan is mentally and physically exhausted. At this time, Ma Ming is faced with financial charges. Liang Zi and Wang Yan exert great effort to save him from going to prison. Touched by Liang Zi, Ma Ming decides to step out so that Liang Zi and Wang Yan can be together. However, Ma Ming's sister Ma Juan also has a huge crush on Liang Zi, and wants to elope with him. When Liang Zi's mother is dying, she tells the truth that Liang Zi is the abandoned child of Ma Ming's mother in her early years. When all the secrets are exposed, Liang Zi chooses to leave Wang Yan with Ma Ming and disappear from their lives.
上世纪八十年代,沉疴淤滞许久的社会风气渐渐活络起来,但是时代留给人们的心灵上的阵痛还久久未曾散去。马鸣(郝平 饰)和王燕(姜宏波 饰)这对从知青时期便相识的夫妻已经携手走过十多年的岁月,时光的积淀并未掩盖他们各自心中的伤疤,反而被时光的尘土灼得愈加疼痛。王燕当初怀上了知青梁子(任帅 饰)的孩子被人骂作破鞋,梁子锒铛入狱,她不仅长年没能在丈夫和婆婆(奚美娟 饰)的面前抬起头来,连梁子的老娘(张少华 饰)也对她憎恶有加。而因当年的丑闻,马、梁两家从父辈开始也结下了冤仇。   随着梁子的出狱,那笔陈年的旧账再次搅乱了所有人的生活……
