
又名:The Taste of Rice Flower

上映日期:2018-04-20(中国大陆) / 2017-07-23(FIRST青年影展) / 2017-09-02(威尼斯电影节)片长:95分钟

主演:英泽 叶不勒 叶门 叶拼 林晓初 茶艾南 

导演:鹏飞 / 编剧:鹏飞 Peng Fei/英泽 Ze Ying




Plot Summary:1. Peng Fei's second feature. He is the co-writer of Tsai Ming-Liang 's STRAY DOGS. 2. Peng Fei's debut UNDERGROUND FRAGRANCE won Fedeora Best Film Award at 2015 Venice Film Festival, and Best New Director at 2015 Chicago International Film Festival. 3. In the new film, the director works with Tsai Ming-liang's crew team, include the cinematographer, costume designer, sound-designer, all of whom are experienced filmmakers. 4. The film is shot in a Sino-Burmese boarder and tells a story of mother and daughter from a minority family.
小津安二郎以茶泡饭之味悠然细说夫妻生活的平淡是福,鹏飞则以米花之味轻盈道来母女心灵的亲疏远近。城市打工的妈妈返回云南傣族乡间,女儿跟所有留守儿童的问题并无二致:爱撒谎,玩手机,与同学争执,跟老师唱反调,还偷寺庙的钱。女儿好友之死打破隔阂,母女走进深幽钟乳洞,佛像前起舞,哀悼亡灵,也连系彼此灵魂。城乡差异、传统与现代的对碰、发展与保育的冲突,在诗意影像与禅意感悟中化解; 就烧一锅油,炸一盘米花,把生活的甜酸苦辣,调制成团圆的祝福。
