邻家有鬼The House Next Door(2017)

又名:Aval / Gruham


主演:悉塔尔特 安德列·杰里迈亚 阿图尔·库尔卡尼 

导演:Milind Rau / 编剧:Rahul Ramchandani/Milind Rau



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Gruham (2017) 12Mbps 1080p WEB-HD AVC AAC-DTOne
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 邻J有鬼.HD720P高清印度语中英双字.mp4


日期 资源名称
2024-04-12 The House Next Door 2017 WebRip Hindi 1080p x264 D


Plot Summary:The movie opens with an ancient Chinese mother and daughter. They seem to spend happy moments with each other with the mother being pregnant. The movie then moves to the present where a happy couple Krish [Siddharth] and Lakshmi [Andrea Jeremiah] make love, bringing in their memories of the times they met and how their love blossomed. They suddenly notice that a new family move in to the next house. Krish is a doctor who uses electrodes inserted into the brain to bring sensation to numb fingers. He is close to another doctor, Dr.Prasad, who is a psychiatrist.
這不是金馬奇幻影展第一次引介印度鬼片了。但這部太特別,消化了好萊塢恐怖片的嚇人手法,青出於藍;又來自導演友人的真實經歷,更添驚悚。故事背景位於風景如畫的喜馬拉雅山間,如膠似漆的醫生夫妻,隔壁搬來一家五口,其中已成年的大女兒行止怪異,男主角好心引薦心理醫生幫忙,女兒卻自己被鬼附身,於是大夥找來牧師進行驅魔儀式。其實這場驅魔本意是安撫,並沒人相信,豈料隨意的態度卻引來厲鬼報復,這下不但真驅魔勢在必行,藏在這座豪宅裡的陰暗過往也被翻了出來⋯⋯。   幾度反轉的敘事令人大呼過癮,氣氛節奏的掌握也可圈可點。導演米林德勞企圖翻轉大眾對寶萊塢影片的既定印象,成功融合《大法師》與《厲陰宅》又不失自我特色。最終的答案十足震撼,到底鬼是迷信?還是迷信讓人成魔?
