Retenez-moi... ou je fais un malheur!(1984)

又名:To Catch a Cop


主演:杰瑞·刘易斯 米歇尔·布朗 夏洛特·德·特汉姆 米歇尔·佩尔隆 Gérard Hérold 雅克·勒格拉 皮埃尔·奥拉夫 马克斯·蒙塔旺 Jackie Sardou Jean-René Gossart Maurice Illouz Francis Freyburger 伯纳德·查兰 莫里斯里什 菲利普·卡斯泰利 米琳娜·德蒙若 劳拉·贝蒂 多米尼克·扎尔迪 何热·卡尔 

导演:Michel Gérard / 编剧:Michel Gérard

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Retenez-moi... ou je fais un malheur!:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Jerry Logan is a Las Vegas police officer who is visiting France to see his ex-wife, with whom he is still friendly. She is remarried to Laurent Martin, who is a police officer in France.
