无头男人L'homme sans tête(2003)

又名:没有头的男人 / The Man Without a Head


主演:Laurent Bert Patrick Béthune Yannick Blivet 

导演:胡安·索拉纳斯 / 编剧:Juan Diego Solanas





Plot Summary:With two fabulous tickets to tonight's ball in his hands, the solitary Mr Phelps sees a ray of light shine in the bleak industrialised world he lives in--and without a single doubt--he already knows whom to ask for his date: the charming lady in the picture on his desk. Just by looking at her, his eyes gleam with joy and anticipation; tonight the elegant dancer shall summon up the courage to declare his undying love for her, and for this reason, he may even find a suitable head to match his feelings. Will he risk it all for love?
本片荣获2003年戛纳电影节金棕榈提名和评委会奖。   在虚拟的工业城市中,人们需要花钱购买属于自己的头颅。没有头的谦恭男人菲尔普斯约会心仪的女孩参加晚上7点钟举行的音乐会,女孩欣然同意,这令他难以抑制激动的情绪,一个人在房间中翩翩起舞。但是还有件重要的事必须解决,他因为生活拮据,至今还没找到一颗适合自己的头颅。他来到头颅专卖店,在财力范围内谨慎挑选,却迟迟找不到合适的一颗。最终菲尔普斯选中合适的头颅,在约会的路上,为女友买了一束花……
