感受迪斯科Ich fühl mich Disco(2013)


主演:Frithjof Gawenda Heiko Pinkowski 克里斯蒂娜·格罗斯 Robert Alexander Baer Christian Steiffen Talisa Lilly Lemke 

导演:Axel Ranisch / 编剧:Axel Ranisch



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Ich fühl mich Disco (2013)



Plot Summary:Actually, Florian Herbst is happiest when his dad isn't at home. Then he can dance around the house with his mum, wear crazy costumes and forget all his troubles. And Hanno Herbst doesn't really know what to do with his son, who has two left hands, a much too big belly and is neither interested in sports nor girls. But it's not that bad! There is still mum. With a tender dominance she keeps the family's fragile harmony in check and protects her two men from each other. At least until one terrible morning, when the house of cards collapses and mum vanishes from their lives from one moment to the next. Father and son are left behind, overwhelmed, but gradually learn to cope.
弗洛里是一個胖胖的少年,他喜歡迪斯科音樂,媽媽莫妮卡很支持他,二人有個共同喜歡的流行歌星斯蒂芬。弗洛里的爸爸漢諾是位跳水教練,他更想把自己的意願強加給兒子。一天清晨,莫妮卡做好早餐在打掃房間時,中風倒地住進醫院,從此再也沒有醒來。弗洛里堅信媽媽會好起來, 把斯蒂芬的音樂帶進病房里。而漢諾為了讓兒子走出困境帶他來到游泳館,弗洛里於是結識了漢諾的學生拉杜。弗洛里和拉杜很快成為好朋友,而弗洛里在其中還隱約感受到愛。但生活就如同一條沒有烤熟的魚,苦苦的,卻依然還是要繼續。
