小小港湾Piata Loď(2017)

又名:Little Harbour

上映日期:2021-09-02(中国大陆) / 2017-02-12(柏林电影节) / 2017-03-16(斯洛伐克)片长:85分钟

主演:瓦妮莎·萨穆赫洛娃 马图斯·巴奇辛 卡塔琳娜·卡门佐娃 约翰娜·特萨罗娃 

导演:伊韦塔·格罗福娃 / 编剧:伊塔·格夫沃 Iveta Grofova/马雷克·雷斯卡克 Marek Lescák



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 小小港湾 Piata lod.HD捷克语中字.mkv



Plot Summary:The story of a child's adventure. It's a story of children who feel safer in the streets than at home, about children seeking out sturdy lifeboats that cross between the world of fantasy and the harsh reality of life. Jarka is one of these children. Ten years-old, and living with a mother who is not yet ready to be a Mum, Jarka spends most of her time alone. Pushed by her desire for love and to form a fully functional family, she finds herself substituting a "mother" to two babies.
故事的灵感来源于真实事件,10岁的小女孩亚拉与外祖母和妈妈生活在一起。外祖母去世 后,不负责任的妈妈露西娅也离家出走,留下亚拉独自生活。一个偶然的机会,她带回两个 婴儿,和她的玩伴克里斯蒂安,开始照顾起这两个小生命。他们能照顾好这两个小婴儿吗?这场孩童间天真的游戏又将 走向何方?该片采用儿童视角生动展现了小主人公内心的孤独,清新、质朴,摄影出色。荣获第67届柏林国际电影节新生代单元水晶熊奖。
