纳粹的末日 第一季Last Days of the Nazis(2015)

主演:Thomas Butler Bradford Ho Jessica Krueger 

导演:Nicole Rittenmeyer / 编剧:Nicole Rittenmeyer

纳粹的末日 第一季:在线播放

纳粹的末日 第一季:最新迅雷BT资源

纳粹的末日 第一季:最新字幕下载

纳粹的末日 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Documentary based on the testimonies of millions of Nazi party members that were collected right after the war with focus on Rudolf Hoess, Albert Speer and Melita Maschmann's stories.
A 6 part-series documentary based on the testimonies of millions of Nazi party members that were collected right after the war with focus on Rudolf Hoess, Albert Speer and Melita Maschmann's stories. Episodes:   - End of the Reich   - Death Factory   - The Executioners   - War of Conquest   - Smoke, Blood, and Mirros   - Dark Beginning
