Plot Summary:Disney's "ZOMBIES" is a music and dance filled story set in the fictitious world of Seabrook, a cookie-cutter community brimming with perky conformity, 50 years after a zombie apocalypse. Today, the zombies pose no threat, but are required to live in Zombietown, an isolated, rundown community infused with their unique creative spirit. When zombies are finally allowed to enroll in Seabrook High School, the charming, charismatic zombie Zed, who is determined to play football, meets freshman Addison, who dreams of being a cheerleader - the ultimate form of status in Seabrook. Addison takes a lot of flak for befriending Zed and his zombie friends, but comes to learn that zombies and cheerleaders aren't so different after all. Zed and Addison work together to show Seabrook what they can achieve when they embrace their differences and celebrate what makes them a community.
Disney Channel原创电影 地点——Seabrook社区,过去一场由一瓶青柠苏打水所引起的泄漏事故,一部分的居民被转变成了僵尸(zombie)。数十年后,人类和僵尸虽然勉强能共处,但人类对僵尸们还是保持着怪物的观念,使僵尸们在生活中处处受到低人一等的待遇。 僵尸少年Zed活力幽默,想要加入学校的橄榄球队,人类少女Addison正直善良,立志成为一名啦啦队员,他们在学校中相遇,互生情愫。Addison在相处之中,发现僵尸们有很多的优点,与自己从小被灌输的形象大相径庭,而Zed则希望通过自己的努力,为僵尸们争取更多的地位。 他们将如何跨越那些因为人们守旧的观念所带来的障碍呢?