

主演:千叶翔也 鬼头明里 久保由利香 市道真央 竹达彩奈 逢坂良太 岩泽俊树 竹内荣治 阿部大树 岩中睦树 乡田翼 日高里菜 日野聪 东山奈央 若山晃久 水中雅章 小松未可子 梅原裕一郎 小原好美 佐藤利奈 金元寿子 

导演:岸诚二 / 桥本裕之 / 木野目优 / 夕澄庆英 / 笹原嘉文 / 镰田祐辅 / 福井洋平 / 铃木芳成 / 间岛崇宽 / 编剧:朱白葵 Akashiro Aoi/衣笠彰梧 Shōgo Kinugasa




Plot Summary:Koudo Ikusei Senior High School is a leading prestigious school with state-of-the-art facilities where nearly 100% of students go on to university or find employment. The students there have the freedom to wear any hairstyle and bring any personal effects they desire. Koudo Ikusei is a paradise-like school, but the truth is that only the most superior of students receive favorable treatment. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is a student of D-class, which is where the school dumps its "inferior" students in order to ridicule them. For a certain reason, Kiyotaka was careless on his entrance examination, and was put in D-class. After meeting Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyou, two other students in his class, Kiyotaka's situation begins to change.
这个社会是否平等呢。真正的“实力”是什么?   东京都高度育成高等学校。那是宣扬彻底的实力至上主义,以升学率·就业率100%而引以为豪的升学学校。升入那里,被分配到1年D班的绫小路清隆,却发现学校与实力至上主义的招牌相反,学生每个月会得到相当于10万日元、与现金同等价值的分数,在授课和生活态度方面也贯彻放任主义。在梦幻般的高中生活当中,不断地挥金如土、过着自甘堕落日子的同班同学们。但,不久他就得知了学校系统的真面目,并被打入绝望的深渊……!   来自吊车尾聚集的D班的少年少女们所发现的,是世界的矛盾,还是正当的实力社会?
