
又名:Qing feng di shou


主演:袁和平 甄子丹 狄威 

导演:袁和平 / 编剧:和平小组



日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 情逢敌手.Mismatched.Couples.1985.1080p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC
2021-05-21 Mismatched.Couples.1985.DVD.chs.ass
2020-12-01 情逢敌手.Mismatched.Couples.1985.1080p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC
2019-05-12 Mismatched.Couples.1985.DVD.chs.ass


Plot Summary:Eddie is a teenager who likes to b-boy around the streets and challenge other breakdancers, including his main rival Colorful Punk. One day, Eddie witnesses a hawker by the name of Mini showing off his acrobatic skills to a crowd, after having been into a situation where the cops ceased his selling business and wondering around looking for food. He is forced to demonstrate his skills to the crowd after he tried to grab free food nearby meant to be for the crowd. Mini's performance impresses Eddie and the latter hooks up and takes Mini to his home. Eddie's sister, who is running a fast food restaurant, however refuses to let Mini stay until Eddie convinces her by letting him help out with her business. Meanwhile, Eddie continues his ventures in high school that includes his love interest Anna who is the most popular female student at his school while having to stand her annoying friend, Shirley. At the same time, Colorful Punk hooks up with his American friend, Kenny, at the airport ...
青年艾迪(甄子丹 饰)痴迷霹雳舞,兴之所至,生活中的一举一动也要伴着舞蹈的节奏。家姐阿英一把年纪仍然未嫁,表妹西巴拉(罗美薇 饰)帮助阿英打点快餐店,并暗恋着艾迪。这天艾迪路遇落魄武生大眼哥(袁和平 饰),见其身手出色饥肠辘辘,艾迪邀请他去自家店内工作。   霹雳舞高手肯尼回港,对艾迪的同学安娜大献殷勤。年轻气盛的艾迪与对方展开连场比斗,明招暗招,网球街舞,花样百出。同时大眼哥与阿英这对儿大龄单身配的关系也在波澜不惊中发展。艾迪虽然与肯尼斗舞中获胜,但西巴拉却大为吃味,艾迪用遥控车示爱也挽回不了对方,这时,误认艾迪为武林高手的武痴(狄威 饰)打上门来,要与艾迪一决高下……
