
又名:Nagaya shinshiroku / Record of a Tenement Gentleman


主演:饭田蝶子 青木放屁 小泽荣太郎 吉川满子 河村黎吉 

导演:小津安二郎 / 编剧:小津安二郎 Yasujirô Ozu/池田忠雄 Tadao Ikeda




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 长屋绅士录.The.Record.Of.A.Tenement.Gentleman.1947.DVDR
2019-05-12 长屋绅士录.The.Record.Of.A.Tenement.Gentleman.1947.DVDR


Plot Summary:A young boy follows Tashiro home to his tenement housing complex on the outskirts of Tokyo, the boy who was separated from his carpenter father somehow and somewhere in Kudan. All Tashiro knows is that the boy and his father came to town from Chigasaki that morning. Despite Tashiro's want to house the kid until they decide what to do more permanently, Tashiro's roommate, Tamekichi, the tenement's head, won't let the kid stay, not liking children and not wanting to get involved. So Tashiro foists the kid onto their neighbor, the widowed Tane, who too protests, she also not liking children and not wanting to get involved. Tane treats the boy with disdain, which only increases by the next morning due to an overnight incident. Amongst the tenement residents, Tane is charged with going to Chigasaki to see if she can find the father or find out what happened to him. On that trip, what she learns by putting the pieces of the story together is that the father purposefully abandoned the boy as...
第二次世界大战结束后,曾经的大都会东京放眼望去一片疮痍,破败凄凉。在穷苦百姓聚集的长屋街,活不容易活下来的人们用勤劳的双手重新修缮自己的生活,他们团结一心,向往美好的未来。某天,田代领回来一个名叫幸平(青木放屁 饰)的男孩。幸平的父母双双死于战火,他一个人孤苦伶仃,朝不保夕。虽然善良的人们都很同情幸平的遭遇,可是维持自身的生计已然勉强,如何再应付新添的一张嘴呢?几经合计,田代决定将幸平托付给经营店铺的老板娘阿胤(饭田蝶子 饰)。然而阿胤由于自身的痛苦经历,对孩子表现出抗拒厌恶的态度。不过随着时间的流逝,她心底的温柔母性慢慢地苏醒过来……   本片是小津安二郎在二战结束后拍摄的第一部影片。
