Plot Summary:In Taiwan, officially, each year there is an average of 400 cases involving sexual exploitation of underage girls. Out of those cases, an average of 130 girls and a few boys are placed in rehabilitation correctional facilities for one to three years, during the peak of their adolescence, before allowing them to return to normal society. This is their story.
在还没搞清楚什么是人生的年纪里,安安(15岁)、珊儿(13岁)和蓝蓝(17岁)都误入了歧途,想在成人世界里,得到一丝温暖,一丝慰藉,一丝纯净无杂质的爱,却不知道自己一步步踏入了更黑暗的深渊...... 雨洁(31岁),一位竭尽心力的社工,看尽儿少性剥削(性交易)案件, 经常有种不知为何而战的无力感,在她协助安安和珊儿进入中途之家后,一场无可挽回的悲剧,改变了每个人的生活态度与人生观……