里情Miles Apart(2000)



主演:王敏德Michael Wong 叶童Cecilia Yip 雷宇扬Simon Loui 

导演:王敏德Michael Wong / 编剧:Keith Humphrey





Plot Summary:Miles Ma (Michael Wong), Chief Inspector of Crime Two division at Mong Kok Police Precinct has been tasked with bringing down the local Triad's VCD pirating operation. Struggling with the death of his wife, he submerges himself in his work and distances himself from new love Janis (Cecilia Yip). During a routine raid on the VCD distribution outlet Miles finds Heroin piggy backed with the VCD shipments triggering a full scale battle with the Triad boss Kwok (Ching Siu Leung). Miles soon finds himself arrested by Dicky (Simon Lui) for rape and discovers he is set-up by his old friend and colleague CK (Moses Chan) who is secretly working with Kwok. Janis works fervently to prove Miles' innocence and in the process their relationship undergoes great challenge. Through love, denial, deceit, and struggle, Miles discovers that he is miles apart from where he should be in his life and decides to exact revenge to prove his innocence and regain what is rightfully his.
王敏德因为一副英俊脸孔,在影圈甚吃得开,片约不断。而他明白俊俏的脸孔不可维持一世,加上兴趣与理想的驱使,他2000年亲自执导了第一部电影,影片上映的同时,他亦宣布成立“红灯笼电影有限公司”,在影圈大展拳脚。   首次执导作品:《里程》   分析:王敏德一向给观众的印象不是飞虎队队员,就是警司级人马,形象绝对正派,演的也是动作片较多,所以他首次执导的当然是拿手好戏动作片。第一次当导演,什么都特别认真,连后期音响也一丝不苟,远赴美国配音,结果该片超支200万元。
