
又名:战地奇女子 / 碧血山河 / 怒火风云


主演:索菲娅·罗兰 彼得·芬奇 杰克·霍金斯 

导演:丹尼尔·曼 / 编剧:约翰·迈克尔·海耶斯 John Michael Hayes/劳伦斯·达雷尔 Lawrence Durrell





Plot Summary:In Palestine in 1948, the British prepare to end their Mandate, leaving an independent Israel behind. The problems of the British may be ending but for the new state of Israel they're just beginning. Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab nations and must fight to defend itself from aggression. The Israeli defense force, the Haganah, has received intelligence that Arab forces, Syria in particular, are employing former German Panzer commander General Gustav Schiller to train them in tank tactics against Israel. The Israelis also learn that General Schiller's wife, Judith Auerbach Schiller, is a Jewish woman who was betrayed by her husband and was left to die in a concentration camp. Judith has survived the camp and is searching for her husband to exact revenge and to locate their son. The Haganah decides to find Judith and use her knowledge in order to locate the general, positively identify him and make him reveal the Syrian attack plans. Judith is smuggled into Israel and hidden in a ...
