Plot Summary:A young mother to her son, Siti has to find ways and means to care for the boy, her husband and her mother-in- law. By day, she sells snacks; by night, she works as a karaoke guide. Tainted by her nighttime employment, Siti finds her husband no longer wishes to speak to her.
一個負債的勞動階級家庭,身為妻子、母親與媳婦的希娣挑起一家老小的經濟重擔,白天在沙灘叫賣脆餅,晚上在卡拉 OK 唱歌跳舞陪酒,幸福的家庭生活只存在回憶裡。導演以黑白片手法表現女主角沉重的內在,簡單的敘事,旁觀的鏡頭,新寫實主義風格讓本片帶有冷調的殘酷。銀幕上希娣緩步向海的長鏡頭,極簡的構圖襯著光影變化,無言間訴說一切。