
又名:灿烂公厕 / Men and Women


主演:杨青 于博 魏建刚 孟浩 崔子恩 

导演:刘冰鉴 / 编剧:刘冰鉴/崔子恩





Plot Summary:Xiao Bo arrives in Beijing, gets a job at a boutique, and is invited to stay with his lady boss, Ah Qing, and her husband, Kang. Knowing that Xiao Bo is still single, Ah Qing recommends her best female friend, Ah Meng, to him. After a few dates, Ah Meng starts to suspect Xiao Bo is gay. She tells Ah Qing, who then informs Kang. After learning this, Kang attempts to rape Xiao Bo when Ah Qing isn't at home. Xiao Bo leaves the house, quits the job and joins his old friend, Chong Chong, and realizes that he has a gay lover, Gui Gui. Some time later, Ah Qing confesses to Kang that she had an affair... with Ah Meng. On the other hand, Chong Chong tries to "convert" Xiao Bo, much to the dismay of Gui Gui...
北京某年冬天,来自外省的小博(于勃)在某家服装店打工,因为踏实勤恳,他得到老板娘青姐(杨青)的喜欢,后者不但让他住进了家中,还热心介绍女友阿梦(鱼梦洁)与他认识,期望两人能成为恋人,但小博对女孩不感兴趣。因为与丈夫大康的关系日益冷淡,青姐搬到了阿梦处。   不久,小博因为大康企图强暴他一事辞去了工作,来到同乡冲冲(魏建刚)家中借宿。冲冲是自命的公厕文学一级作家,每天进出各种公厕搜集里面的“有色言语”,小博到来时,他正在创办《灿烂公厕》杂志。与他同居的同性朋友归归(崔子恩)则自办了一个叫做“公厕时空”的电台节目,他的听众只有冲冲一个。小博的出现,打破了冲冲与归归原本稳定的关系。
