Avengers of the Apocalypse!(2008)



导演:Justin Warren / 编剧:Jason Matthews

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Avengers of the Apocalypse!:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:'Avengers of the Apocalypse' is an ever growing series of independent zombie comedies featuring outrageous characters and situations that all tie together in unexpected ways. This release features Parts 1 & 2, 'Zombabies' and 'Hazmat J'. Join Jennifer Campbell, the heavy metal baby sitter in a nursery full of airborne undead flesh-eating babies. They've devoured her boyfriend, and have her surrounded. But fortunately, babies' necks are so easy (and fun!) to snap. 'Zombabies' is our humble beginning that sets the stage for much more mayhem to come. Next, take a journey with Hazmat J, the apathetic anti-hero working at Austin City Toxic Waste Facility who accidentally unleashes Armageddon onto the city of Austin, Texas. Travel an epic journey full of mayhem in the streets, including an epic battle at the Capitol, as J's uptight boss Gloria and her henchmen Agent X and Cordell scramble to prevent the destruction of the city. Chaos erupts, newsmen panic, Austin is decimated, and an ...
