马成的喜悦마성의 기쁨(2018)

又名:爱情失咗忆(港) / Devilish Happiness / Devilish Charm

主演:崔振赫 宋昰昀 李浩沅 李周妍 全秀景 吴光禄 姜伦制 金智怜 李秀智 权赫秀 金民尚 郑守教 全宰宏 崔乘训 

导演:金佳蓝 / 编剧:崔智妍 Ji Yeon Choi





Plot Summary:Gong Ma Sung is a successor to the Sunwoo company. Life seems to be going well until he gets into a car accident while trying to help a woman. Since then, he suffers from memory loss where his memory lasts only a day. Every night before bed, he writes notes about what happened to him that day and the next morning he memorizes everything that happened. Gong Ma Sung then meets Joo Gi-BBeum, a formerly well known actress, and falls in love.
孔马成(崔振赫 饰)是一名拥有超高智商的天才医生,深受患者和领导的信赖。然而,一场意外的发生让孔马成患上了短期记忆丧失症,他总是会忘记前一天发生的事情。受病情影响,孔马成只得告别挚爱的职业舞台。   朱喜悦(宋昰昀 饰)曾是红极一时的女明星,虏获了大批粉丝们的喜爱,星途一片大好,可是,3年前一场恐怖的杀人案令朱喜悦的名声跌落谷底,之后她就一直苦苦挣扎在过气的边缘。曾经,孔马成和朱喜悦之间有这一段浪漫的往事,但也是因为凶杀案的发生导致两人失去了联系。如今,早已物是人非的两人再度相遇。
