
又名:Laskovyy may / Laskoviy may


主演:Vyacheslav Manucharov Vasili Belokopytov Dmitriy Blokhin Danila Chvanov Yekaterina Fedulova Raisa Konukhova 

导演:Vladimir Vinogradov / 编剧:Yelena Raiskaya





Plot Summary:In 1985, perestroika began in the Soviet Union and the "Laskovyy May" group appeared. At their concerts there were only full houses, because of unrequited love for them, suicides were committed. The figure of Mikhail Gorbachev was faded in the glory of the creator of "Laskovyy May" - Andrei Razin. A randomly taken photo on the beach, where Andrei Razin, as a child, captured with the Gorbachev family, turned his fate around. It was with the help of this photo that he became Gorbachev's nephew. He said this indirectly - so, he hinted, and he was instantly believed. Functionaries of all ranks acted without delay: the doors of television and radio opened before him, the Soviet stage fell at his feet. Razin traveled to all orphanages in the Soviet Union in search of gifted children for his twin groups. "Laskovyy May" toured simultaneously in several cities, giving 5-6 concerts a day. For all ten years of the group's existence, there was not a single ticket not sold or handed over, every ...
“安德烈·拉辛”从小在孤儿院长大,爱好唱歌的他总希望有一天能够站在舞台上,但其五音不全的音准总是被同学和老师们嘲笑。那时候安德烈最希望的就是暑假奶奶接他去一个大房子玩;每当夏天奶奶会在这个漂亮的别墅里给某个官员(戈尔巴乔夫)当保姆,在那里安德烈很快乐。   十多年之后的1985年,安德烈得贵人相助,来到了莫斯科去实现他童年的梦想,可是他的声音并不能取悦观众,被嘘下了台。在回家的路上,安德烈在火车上听到了旅客收录机中传来的歌声——白玫瑰。   他决定去帮助其他的孩子去实现童年的星愿。
