
又名:China One / Great Happiness


主演:周翔 陶瑜琼 沈甲骏 赵 慧 杨小惑 任晓娇 胡晓光 杨华 才让诺日 王文俊 

导演:王一骜 / 编剧:王一骜 Yi-ao Wang/易靖凯/喻铨东/中根雄





Plot Summary:Set in Xining, the capital of Qinghai province on the border with Tibet, this ensemble film follows the ups and downs in the lives of three friends from the generation born at the time of China's one-child policy. Li is about to get married and wants to be a construction contractor, ready to mortgage his parents' apartments and squander their savings to fulfill his dream of greatness and wealth. Sui is an architect and is expected to design the project that will grant Li access to government permits and funds, but he is an idealist who cannot conform to the current trend of homogenizing the appearance of cities. Xining has been married for 4 years, he still doesn't have a child and is under great pressure from his family to become a father.
隋晟、游礼、王西宁是从小一起长大的好朋友,他们和大多数同时代生活在城市里的中国人一样,是家中唯一的孩子。他们三人都想趁着还年轻,好好的为未来奋斗个出路,过上幸福的生活。可是表面看似美好的未来,实则暗流涌动。   游礼投资隋晟和王西宁开了公司,却被资金周转和未婚妻的催婚逼得焦头烂额;隋晟苦于自己的理想在现实面前不堪一击,为了排解心中的苦闷不慎出轨;三个人里,似乎只有王西宁随波逐流的性格让他没什么烦恼,也没什么压力。其实,王西宁早已在单位和家庭的重重逼迫下,暗自寻找着一切能让老婆怀上孩子的可能,甚至因为老婆的成功怀孕,让自己的人生看起来更显悲凉……
