Los ángeles(1990)

又名:Der schwarze Engel / Angels / Anioly


主演:Belinda Becker 斯蒂文·韦伯 Jose Esteban 何塞·埃斯特万·阿伦达 Justin Williams 费奥多尔·阿特金 安吉拉·莫利纳 克里斯蒂娜·霍约斯 Dolors Ducastella Lloll Bertran Yolanda Herrero Àngels Aymar Mercè Puy Iliana Lolitch Ana González 

导演:雅各布伯杰 / 编剧:Jacob Berger

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Los ángeles:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The American musician Rickie falls in love with the prostitute Sara, who pretends to be a princess. As they escape together, Rickie gets into a dangerous adventure...
The American musician Rickie falls in love with the prostitute Sara, who pretends to be a princess. As they escape together, Rickie gets into a dangerous adventure...
