

主演:亚尼·卡普 Anurag Sinha Shefali Chhaya 

导演:萨伯哈什·哥亥 Subhash Ghai / 




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 黑与白 (sub高级字幕)Black.and.White.2008.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.X
2019-06-27 黑与白 (sub高级字幕)Black.and.White.2008.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.X


Plot Summary:Afghani Mahmood Albak is recruited to be a suicide bomber and kill at least 400 people at Lal Keela in Delhi on the occasion of India's Independence day celebrations on August 15. He is provided with the identity of an embittered youth, Numair Qazi from Gujarat, who had witnessed the death of the his parents at the hands of Hindu extremists. Upon arrival in Chandni Chowk, Delhi, he meets with Numair's paternal uncle, Gaffar Ali Nazar, an Indian Patriot who writes in the local magazine, and lives with his wife and two sons, Jalal and Bilal. Both Jalal and Bilal are involved and have been paid a huge sum to accommodate Numair. But when wealthy and influential Naeem Shaikh kills himself, after becoming suspect in the eyes of the CBI, Numair befriends the Urdu Professor of Zakir Hussain College, Rajan Mathur Sen Gupta, and his social activist wife, Roma, and moves in to live with them and their disabled daughter, Surubhi, so that they can procure a Pass for him to witness the Independence...
《黑与白》是什么意思?两种颜色?两个对立面?还是两种极端?不管是什么,很显然,黑与白是一种反差。概括起来说就是一种不能面对对立面的状态,类似只能看见黑色和白色的“色盲”。   想象一下有道彩虹在你面前,而你只能看见黑色和白色,那将会是一种什么样的经历?恐怕没有比这更令人痛苦的了,世间的精彩近在眼前,而你却无法尽收眼底。正如这部电影。   《黑与白》是一部感人至深的影片,虽然是大众娱乐的产品,但却传达了一个简单崇高的信息: 尽管人类生来就存在差异,但是求同存异,在多样性中寻找和谐生存之道,才是人类面对的永恒主题。 《黑与白》给了我们这样一个思考,本来美好的世界,却因为战乱、冲突,变得杂乱无章,充满仇恨,像没有了七彩颜色的彩虹,毫无生气……人类应该这样生活吗?
