默克尔:不可估量的前程Angela Merkel - Die Unerwartete(2016)


主演:安格拉·默克尔 Timothy Garton Ash Bernd Birnbaum Norbert Blüm 

导演:Torsten Körner / Matthias Schmidt / 编剧:Torsten Körner/Matthias Schmidt





Plot Summary:"Angela Merkel - The Unexpected" tells the story of Chancellor Merkel's unexpected rise to power - from an East German physicist to the most powerful woman in the world. The film takes a look at her biography from when she entered the political stage in 1989 to the present. A second focus is put on the refugee crisis and establishes the connection between Merkel's actions and her biography. Political and personal companions who have witnessed the chancellor throughout the years comment on her childhood in East Germany, her first political steps, her rise to the top, her eventful chancellorship, and the current political situation she is facing. In an exclusive interview, Angela Merkel herself reflects on her life in the German Democratic Republic, comparing it to her life after the fall of the Berlin wall, her unexpected and unprecedented career, the refugee crisis, and finally on herself as a politician, a motivator, or a listener.
讲述了默克尔总理崛起的故事,从东德物理学家到世界上最强大的女性之一。 从1989年进入政治舞台到现在,这部电影见证了她的从政生涯。 第二个重点是难民危机,并确立了默克尔的行为与她的政迹之间的联系。 在东德见证了总理的政治立场和个人同伴,她的第一个政治举措,她的崛起,她被选为总理,以及她所面临的当前政治局势。 在一次独家采访中,安吉拉·默克尔亲自回顾了她在德意志民主共和国的生活,将其与柏林墙倒塌后的生活,即将到来的前所未有的职业生涯,难民危机以及最后以自己作为政治家, 激励者或听众的人生。
