
又名:白日漫游 / Vanishing Days


主演:姜郦 黄菁 陈燕 骆海清 卢嘉禾 赵家俊 

导演:祝新 / 编剧:祝新 Xin Zhu/戴莹 Ying Dai





Plot Summary:It is summer of 2009. In a southern Chinese town, it is stiflingly hot before the arrival of a rainstorm. Li Senlin is bored and stuck doing homework. Auntie Qiu, a boatwoman who hasn't shown up for years, suddenly makes a visit, and recounts the tale of a strange encounter on an abandoned island. Li Senlin loses her turtle while her father is away on a business trip. There's another "Senlin" that keeps on being mentioned by her parents. She faintly suspects that Auntie Qiu is actually her biological mother. The summer rain pours down as memory and reality interweave into one another. The water of the Great Canal dampens each individual that roams along it, and a red flag flaps still at the stern.
2009的夏天异常闷热,南方城市酝酿着一场阵雨。   女孩李森林的暑假作文迟迟没有灵感,多年未曾蒙面的船工秋秋阿姨突然造访,她道出了那年荒岛上的奇遇。   父亲出差时,李森林丢失了他的乌龟,父母口中的“森林”却如影随影,李森林隐隐感觉这个阿姨也许才是她的亲生母亲。   夏雷滚滚,记忆与现实逐渐交织,运河的水浸湿润这场漫游中的每一个人,有一面红旗却依旧在船尾飘扬。
