浪漫帕慕岛What Happened on Pam Island(2011)


主演:Eliza Kubarska David Kaszlikowski 

导演:Eliza Kubarska / 





Plot Summary:A couple of Polish alpinists, Eliza Kubarska and David Kaszlikowski, take a lonely journey to the fjords of southern Greenland to reach the world's highest cliff. The vertical wall is reachable only from a boat. Despite the fact that the team consists of mere two members, it is decided to travel on dangerous sea-kayaks. There is a storm, the water around is freezing - dips to 0° centigrade - and capsizing in this area would mean hypothermia and death within minutes. Deserted Pam Island becomes their home base... But this movie tells a different story. Trusting only in themselves, the characters open their exciting world to the viewer: the world of passion and strange, original love.
波兰登山家伊丽莎·库巴斯卡(Eliza Kubarska)和大卫·卡兹利考斯基(David Kaszlikowski),开始了一段到格陵兰南岛峡湾的孤独旅程,目的地是世界最高的海崖。垂直的崖壁只能通过一种方式抵达——划着皮划艇通过一片可怕的、风暴肆虐的海域(水温低至0摄氏度,如果在这片区域翻船也即意味着数分钟内体温骤降死亡),然后他们将独自在1500米高的垂直崖壁上攀登——而这一切,都是为了,一个亲吻。信任、热情、陌生而原始的爱情,在你从未见过的一些最美丽的风景里发生。
