Plot Summary:A psychopath, obsessed with becoming the real-life embodiment of a fictional killer from a series of Hollywood slasher films, terrorizes a small town in an elaborate scheme designed to force the series' original star, now a town sheriff, into a deadly duel. What will it take to defeat ultimate evil? An even greater evil? The victor of the bloody showdown earns the title of...MURDER MACHINE!
一个精神病患者,沉迷于成为一个虚构的杀手的真实体现的一系列好莱坞恐怖片,笼罩着整个小镇的一项精心设计的计划,旨在迫使系列的星,现在一个小镇警长,致命的决斗。 怎样才能最终战胜邪恶? 一个更大的邪恶? 血腥的维克多摊牌挣的标题… 杀人机器!