


Plot Summary:The story is centered around a group of shrine maiden who wield swords while wearing school uniforms known as "Toji", and they serve as a unit in the police force in order to exorcise strange creatures known only as "aratama". The government authorizes the Toji to wear swords and serve as government officials, and the government has set up five schools throughout the country for the girls to attend. The girls live ordinary school lives, while occasionally performing their duties, wielding their swords and using various powers to fight and protect the people. In the spring, the five schools send their best Toji to compete in a tournament. As the tournament comes closer, all of the representatives rigorously train themselves in order to get stronger and improve their skills.
长久以来,名为“荒魂”的魔物威胁着人类世界的安全,然而一物降一物,对抗荒魂,则要请出随身携带着御刀的巫女们。她们隶属于日本特别祭祀机动队,是一群特殊的存在。平日里,巫女们在学校中过着平凡的校园生活,然而,一旦荒魂开始肆虐,女孩子们就必须拔出御刀,开始充满了危险和死亡的战斗。   个性开朗活泼的卫藤可奈美(本渡枫 配音)、拥有着和年龄不相称的沉稳气质的十条姬和(大西沙织 配音)、温柔高贵的千金大小姐柳濑舞衣(和气杏未 配音)、沉默寡言内向不羁的糸见沙耶香(木野日菜 配音),在和荒魂战斗的同时,这些少女们还在争夺着专门为她们设置的竞技比赛的冠军宝座。
