Duane Bradley从小是一位连体双胞胎,他的双胞胎兄弟因身体极度变形,在父母和医生商量后,被切除了。可是,Duane却从垃圾堆里把“他”给捡了回来,“他”也得以存活。电影一开始,Duane到了纽约住了一间旅馆,他只有一件行李——篮子,怪胎就住在这个篮子里,他们要对当年进行手术的医生进行报复。Charming country bumpkin Duane Bradley takes a motel room in New York with a basket and a backpack. In a flash back-series we learn the basket contains his surgically removed Siamese twin who is not only physically deformed so badly the doctors hesitated to consider him a human, but is also the vindictive drive of their trip, with the purpose to kill off all those he blames. But in the reception of one of those doctors, Duane gets his first ever date, with the receptionist, and wants to start a positive life too - when the freak twin escapes, the scene is set for a grim finale.