Plot Summary:Four perky, clueless cheerleaders from the Happy Valley High Hamsters are mistakenly blamed by the meddling Church Ladies for the invasion of the "Internet smut" into their children's bedrooms. The Church Ladies hire Stephen, a sexually ambiguous teacher from the local Parochial Reform School, to teach the cheerleaders a lesson. But the cheerleaders have more than Stephen to worry about...lurking in the shadows is Mr. X, an evil mastermind who is using the cheerleaders as guinea pigs to test his Internet Zombie Domination software!
“快乐谷”(Happy Valley High Hamsters)的四名自信、无头绪的啦啦队长被那些干预“互联网黑穗病”的女教友们错误地归咎于孩子们的卧室。教堂里的女士们聘请了斯蒂芬,一位来自当地教区改革学校的性暧昧的老师,给啦啦队员上课。但啦啦队员们比斯蒂芬更担心……潜伏在阴影里的是X先生,一个邪恶的主谋,他正在用拉拉队作为豚鼠来测试他的网络僵尸统治软件!